Saturday, March 15, 2014

Being a Lurker...

Spend some time in Twitter "lurking"... use hashtags to search and filter tweets. You can use the hashtags from the here or go to the cybraryman's hashtag site  or this unofficial twitter hashtag index (includes explanations) to find other hashtags. It helps to pay attention to the hashtags you see others using on their tweets that may lead you to other searches. These lists are a good start to finding relevant hashtags but they aren't the only ones...if you are looking for something specific and need help finding it, let me know. You don't necessarily need to use a bunch of different hashtags...just find a few relevant ones that get you to the people you want to connect with.

Come back at the end of the week after you've had time to lurk and browse and report back  something you learned, discovered, noticed, found interesting, helpful or significant...can you see Twitter fitting into your PLN (Personal learning network)? why or why not?
Did you find a particular hashtag that got you connected to a group that shares your interests?

If you have questions about Twitter during the your questions here as well and I'll respond to them.


  1. I think one of the biggest ways I can see twitter fitting into my PLN is in regards to common core. There is so much on twitter in regards to CC! I think this can be a great resource. I found a link about non-fiction books available on Amazon that supported CC and then I went further and read the reviews by teachers about how they used the books. It actually got me excited about teaching! And let's be honest, not too much gets me excited about teaching these days! Twitter can be so much more than just garbage or jokes, although I've pretty much only used it for entertainment up to this point, but it's definitely something I can see myself expanding and growing with.

    1. And...that's awesome that you found something that made you stop, think, and get excited about teaching!

  2. As soon as people see the power of sharing and collaboration, Twitter becomes this whole new hub of vast collective knowledge...and teachers that haven't tapped into it are really missing out. You don't have to be a twitterholic to benefit from using it.

  3. I mostly checked out #mathchat and #algebra. I did not get beyond those two hash tags because there was so much material out there. The coolest account that I found was that of another math teacher, Mr. Stahl. He posts his assignments on is twitter account. He even has his worksheets linked to his tweets.

    I was surprised how many people have links, pictures, and videos in their tweets. It is no longer enough to just write thoughts. There is more pressure to have visual aids attached to tweets and posts.

    I can see myself using twitter to communicate with students, belong to a few twibes, and to follow important people. Hopefully, education will evolve to give teachers more planning time necessary to keep up with the demands of networking and growing PLN's. One hour per day is hardly enough time for teachers to keep up with the trends of education.

    1. I'm not sure there's "pressure", I think in many cases those are the things people want to share...the fact that you can send little snippets of info is great but only if it's useful. Without adding pics or links I'm not sure that Twitter would have as much value to people.
      There is a wealth of resources and people out there...and remember you can just dip your cup in the stream, you don't have to spend hours to find things that are valuable.

  4. Lisa: I have been playing around with Twitter quite a bit this week. I think the way Jennifer has her dashboard set up is nice because I think I may like to follow certain hashtags rather than individuals. If I follow hashtags, then I can get information about the subject I want, without the personal stuff.

    1. Also, I liked the #msmath and also #msmathchat. I have already gotten some great suggestions. I feel like being able to read these inspires me; it's like going to a great inservice anytime I want.

    2. I replied to myself, but I don't see it. Therefore, I am trying this again (it will probably appear twice now). I liked #msmath and #msmathchat. I felt very inspired reading through some ideas and advice. I feel like I can go to a great inservice any time I want.

    3. Yep...appeared twice... but that's ok. :) You may have to refresh your page to see the comments added. Glad you are finding value and you're right you don't have to follow anyone in order to follow the hashtags that contain the meat you are looking for. It is exactly like going to an inservice 24/7...and that is precisely what a PLN can do for you...give you what you want when you want can't wait to be fed anymore because it may not be what you want or learning to feed yourself is paramount to maintaining that feeling of inspiration that is easy to lose when you feel like you're on an island in the classroom.

  5. I can see Twitter fitting into my PLN, if I take the time to do it. I do think if I get connected with good resources that it can save time in the long run. When lurking the possibilities seem never ending and a bit overwhelming, kind of like Pinterest (you get sucked in!!). I think I would rather use a Twitter dashboard for PLN and just Twitter for personal use/entertainment.

  6. I'm a day late and a dollar short here since I was out of town. I have been Tweeting for a while now. I started out as a lurker. Occasionally, I would tweet out some little comment or photo. Lately though, I have used Twitter to connect to professional colleagues. When I was at the MRA conference, I follow Mr. Earl's tweets about sessions that I couldn't attend, allowing me to get lots of information without even being there. Nearly every presenter began by giving their Twitter handle. I also searched various hash tags about topics to find more information. I use my Twitter in a mixed way, professionally and privately. I would like to find some time to try out the dashboard that Jennifer showed us. It might make it easier to focus in on specific things when I want to. And lastly, I use Twitter as a way to keep up with what is going on with students and former students, to keep up with how things are going in my daughter's world a little more. I think the possibilities are endless!

  7. You are correct, the potential Twitter holds is endless...and there are a variety of ways to use it...professionally, personally, instructionally, collaboratively. I think Tweetdeck makes using Twitter a much more robust and organized experience.
